No. 7 (2011): Thinking the Community

The metamorphosis. Community and modal ontology

Boyan Manchev
Nueva Universidad de Bulgaria

Published 2021-07-13


  • community,
  • potentiality,
  • actuality,
  • Aristotle,
  • Jean-Luc Nancy,
  • metamorphosis
  • ...More

How to Cite

Manchev, Boyan. 2021. “The Metamorphosis. Community and Modal Ontology”. Pléyade, no. 7 (July):67-78.


The article wants to read the debate around «community» starting from aristotelic categories. Using as example the concept of «inoperability», that must be considered as suspension of platonic-aristotelic paradigm of ergon. What Nancy and Negri would have done is to radicalize the aristotelic paradigm to a point of complete transforming the notions of potentiality and actuality, also transforming their relation. En this sense, «compearance» in Nancy and Bailly would coincide with potentiality, which would open a series of problems that the text deal with, en particular the event and the being-in-common through the notion of metamorphosis.