No. 19 (2017): Otherwise than political

Marrano Infrapolitics. Proximity Against Community: Errancy and the Eye-Too-Many

Alberto Moreiras
Universidad de Texas A&M

Published 2017-07-21


  • Infrapolitics,
  • Marrano,
  • Polis,
  • Politics,
  • Home,
  • Unheimlich
  • ...More

How to Cite

Moreiras, Alberto. 2017. “Marrano Infrapolitics. Proximity Against Community: Errancy and the Eye-Too-Many”. Pléyade, no. 19 (July):113-43.


This essay develops a definition of “marrano infrapolitics” from the comparative analysis of Martin Heidegger’s two interpretations on the first choral ode of Sophocles’ Antigone, of 1935 and 1942 respectively. The essay argues that “to inhabit the open” keeps itself the difference between polis and politics and pushes it throw an existential “infrapolitization” of particular urgency. Today, the imposibility of the return to origin for any historical determination of the human unleashes into a condition of counter-community vagrancy that can be assumed under the name of marrano.