No. 18 (2016): Capitalism of the Global South

Marxist Ontology and Archi-politics in Gérard Granel Classes, Uneven Geographic Development and Peripheral-Dependent Capitalism: An Approach from the Chilean Case

Osvaldo Blanco
Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Published 2016-12-26


  • Uneven Geographical Development,
  • Types of Classes Geographically Located

How to Cite

Blanco, Osvaldo. 2016. “Marxist Ontology and Archi-Politics in Gérard Granel Classes, Uneven Geographic Development and Peripheral-Dependent Capitalism: An Approach from the Chilean Case”. Pléyade, no. 18 (December):221-67.


The present article seeks to relate the perspective of social classes to uneven geographical development, analyzing this phenomenon through the creation of typologies of geographically situated classes. By means of studying the geographically unequal variability of the Chilean primary-export development model, social class typologies will be analyzed in two geographic areas. It seeks to answer the following question: What kind of relationship exists between the productive characteristics of the territories and the main characteristics of the typologies of geographically situated classes?