No. 15 (2015): Ideas and Intellectuals in Latin America

Revolutionary thoughts in Latin America. Critical judgment to the intellectual production from 1959 onwards

Giorgio Boccardo Bosoni
Universidad de Chile

Published 2015-07-19

How to Cite

Boccardo Bosoni, Giorgio. 2015. “Revolutionary Thoughts in Latin America. Critical Judgment to the Intellectual Production from 1959 Onwards”. Pléyade, no. 15 (July):137-55.


The Cuban and Nicaraguan revolution opened political condition for the renovation of the social Latin American thought in the sixties of the XX century. In specific the interpretation about Latin America and their relationship with the developed capitalism was modified. But also the notion of revolutionary strategies, fight method and the social class that promote the construction of socialism were reviewed. In this regard, a new generation of intellectuals and political leaders conceived Latin America since its specificity and discussed with the formulations of Western Marxism. From the nineties onwards, the political defeat of these experiences and advancing the neoliberal project has led to discard the authenticity of the theoretical formulations that were conceived in this period. Finally, the article discusses about the possibility (and the need) for the reconstruction of the Latin American revolutionary thought today.