No. 15 (2015): Ideas and Intellectuals in Latin America

After Marxism, after Anarchism: Laín Diez and the non-dogmatic social critique

Jorge Budrovich–Saez
Universidad de Valparaíso

Published 2015-07-19


  • Chilean Socialism,
  • Council Communism,
  • left-libertarian thinking,
  • dogmatism

How to Cite

Budrovich–Saez, Jorge. 2015. “After Marxism, After Anarchism: Laín Diez and the Non-Dogmatic Social Critique”. Pléyade, no. 15 (July):157-78.


This paper review the figure and writings of Laín Diez Kaiser (1895 – 1980). We propose that through his literary career, a social criticism is formed, inspired by his main references – marxism and anarchism – but not reducible to one of them in exclusive mode. A perspective that, from the critique of doctrinal dogmatism, arrive to a constructive and dynamic vision of the social question. This paper discern and examine the keynotes of such approach, which raises the question of the validity and supersession of the referents of social criticism.