No. 12 (2013): "Life" and "Politics": a Genealogy of Italian Contemporary Political Thought

Rule, Law, Way of Life. Around Agamben: A Seminar

Sandro Chignola
Universidad de Padova

Published 2013-12-26


  • rule,
  • law,
  • way of life,
  • Agamben

How to Cite

Chignola, Sandro. 2013. “Rule, Law, Way of Life. Around Agamben: A Seminar”. Pléyade, no. 12 (December):57-97.


This article has as its starting point the recently published text by Agamben, Altissima povertà. In the attempt to think of a revolutionary insurgent politics, which escapes the notions of sovereignty and law, a perspective that repositions the thought and practices of liberation at the level of ontology is located. In this way the constituting act refers to the use of the Rule against the Law with a view to disengage the right. This is an action without clamping which is thought of as in the liturgy way. From this perspective, the author looks back at the present and wonders what it means to think of life as a common use. This altissima paupertas proposed by Agamben is, therefore, reconsidered in the light of marginal territories, which are not considered the “heart of the West”.