No. 12 (2013): "Life" and "Politics": a Genealogy of Italian Contemporary Political Thought

On Critical Thought Today. An Interview with Wendy Brown

Wendy Brown
University of California, Berkeley
Laura Gioscia
Universidad de la República
Gabriel Delacoste
Universidad de la República

Published 2013-12-26


  • critical thinking,
  • left politics,
  • sovereignty,
  • neoliberalism,
  • feminism

How to Cite

Brown, Wendy, Laura Gioscia, and Gabriel Delacoste. 2013. “On Critical Thought Today. An Interview With Wendy Brown”. Pléyade, no. 12 (December):233-40.


This interview revolves around critical thinking and its contradictions and aporias. Professor Brown starts by discussing critical thinking as an infinite but specific intellectual effort that cannot and shouldn’t be melded into a single project. The same goes for the left, because of the complexities and diversities involved in issues like sovereignty, Human Rights, the Third World and feminism.