No. 12 (2013): "Life" and "Politics": a Genealogy of Italian Contemporary Political Thought

Machiavelli: Radical Republicanism and Constituent Power. Interview with Miguel Vatter

Miguel Vatter
Flinders University
Diego Sazo
Centro de Análisis e Investigación Política

Published 2014-01-19


  • The Prince,
  • Macchiavelli,
  • republicanism,
  • constituent power

How to Cite

Vatter, Miguel, and Diego Sazo. 2014. “Machiavelli: Radical Republicanism and Constituent Power. Interview With Miguel Vatter”. Pléyade, no. 12 (January):241-53.


In this interview Miguel Vatter refers about the importance of The Prince after five centuries. He also talks about a renewaled interest over Machiavelli, particularly for new philosophical lectures on his thought and his contribution to the development of the republican point of view. Vatter, as well, deepens in one of interpretation currents, the radical republicanism, that it places to Machiavelli as the main promoter of the universality of the people as social support of any legitimate State. Finally, Vatter analizes some machiavellian ideas in relation to social events in Chile, stressing the discussion about constituent power and the political representation crisis.