No. 10 (2012): Qualitative Studies Interpretating Politics

Interpretative Analysis and Political Science. An interview with Dvora Yanow

Dvora Yanow
Wageningen University
Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela
Universidad de Chile

Published 2012-12-30


  • Interpretive Political Analysis,
  • Qualitative Political Analysis,
  • Political Science

How to Cite

Yanow, Dvora, and Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela. 2012. “Interpretative Analysis and Political Science. An Interview With Dvora Yanow”. Pléyade, no. 10 (December):113-22.


This interview, which was conducted in July 2012, focuses on the history of interpretive analysis within political science and on some of the conceptual issues raised in Yanow’s articles “Interpretive Empirical Political Science: What Makes This Not a Subfield of Qualitative Methods” (Qualitative Methods 1 (2) Fall (2003): 9-13) and “Interpretation in Policy Analysis: On Methods and Practice” (Critical Policy Studies 1 (1) (2007): 109-121).