Politics and symbolism in the government of Ricardo Lagos. Interview with Ernesto Ottone
Published 2012-12-30
- memory,
- history,
- symbolism,
- Ricardo Lagos,
- Chile
How to Cite
Ottone, Ernesto, Nicolás del Valle Orellana, and Marco Ensignia Zapata. 2012. “Politics and Symbolism in the Government of Ricardo Lagos. Interview With Ernesto Ottone”. Pléyade, no. 10 (December):167-84.
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This conversation revolves around the recent political history of Chile. Professor Ernesto Ottone begins the conversation talking about the founding myths of the republic, subject that leads to an analysis of the government of Ricardo Lagos. He then refers to the symbolic elements of the restoration of democracy which culminate in the commemorative events of the 30th anniversary of the coup d’état. He finally discusses some of the passages in the memory of the Chilean left.