No. 8 (2012): Power and Sovereignty: Theological-Political Readings

Hobbes, Spinoza and Locke on Heresy

Manfred Svensson
Universidad de los Andes

Published 2021-07-13


  • heresy,
  • doctrinal minimalism,
  • Hobbes,
  • Locke,
  • Spinoza

How to Cite

Svensson, Manfred. 2021. “Hobbes, Spinoza and Locke on Heresy”. Pléyade, no. 8 (July):125-36.


Both the Latin edition of Hobbes’ Leviathan and Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration include appendices about the notion of heresy. The object of the present article is to explain the connection between the mentioned appendices and the rest of the work of these authors. In this way, attention is drawn to the fundamental role played by doctrinal minimalism in early modern political thought.