No. 25 (2020): Contemporary Critical Theory

Governmentality, life, and imagination. Interview with Nikolas Rose

Nikolas Rose
King’s College London
Ricardo Camargo
Universidad de Chile

Published 2020-07-26


  • Nikolas Rose,
  • governmentality,
  • Michel Foucault,
  • biopolitics,
  • neurosciences

How to Cite

Rose, Nikolas, and Ricardo Camargo. 2020. “Governmentality, Life, and Imagination. Interview With Nikolas Rose”. Pléyade, no. 25 (July):183-95. .


This interview was carried out in November 2015, during a visit made by Nikolas Rose to Chile in the context of the research program “Towards a genealogy of pharmacological power”, led by Ricardo Camargo. In this conversation, Nikolas Rose addresses his own academic history, from his early research as a biologist to the most recent endeavors related to neuroscience, as well as his important work on governmentality in the seventies and eighties.