No. 8 (2012): Power and Sovereignty: Theological-Political Readings

Thinking about Politics from the Political Theology. Interview with Miguel Vatter

Miguel Vatter
Universidad Diego Portales
Ely Orrego
Centro de Análisis e Investigación Política

Published 2021-07-13


  • political theology,
  • sovereign power,
  • Carl Schmitt,
  • Leo Strauss

How to Cite

Vatter, Miguel, and Ely Orrego. 2021. “Thinking about Politics from the Political Theology. Interview With Miguel Vatter”. Pléyade, no. 8 (July):185-98.


In this interview, Professor Miguel Vatter talks about the concept of political theology, its origin and theoretical reception. Professor Vatter also discusses political-theology elements in the thought of Leo Strauss, who is one of the main authors he worked on. At the end, it proposes a discussion of current issues that are linked to an interpretation of political-theology.