No. 6 (2011): Pléyade

Technocracy, Economical Growth and Social Identities: Sketches on Structural Changes in Chilean Society Post Dictatorship

Nicolás Penna Vizcaya
Universidad de Chile

Published 2011-01-23


  • technocracy,
  • economic growth,
  • social identities

How to Cite

Penna Vizcaya, Nicolás. 2011. “Technocracy, Economical Growth and Social Identities: Sketches on Structural Changes in Chilean Society Post Dictatorship”. Pléyade, no. 6 (January):172-204.


This article is an analysis of the ideological elements from the “Chilean development model” and its consequences in the social identities. General political discourse in the past 25 years has been that the technocratic policies around the macroeconomic stability, has been made based on rationality and efficiency. However, technocracy is not only a way to made things about “instrumental rationality”, but has behind him certain elements deeply ideological and, therefore, the economical growth that has been accomplished, it has occurred around a macroeconomic calculation ideology by on social welfare development. Same time it, there has been occurred a process of improvement in the material conditions of existence in the entire population, which highlights the profound poverty reduction, and a “relative social mobility”, which explains the high identification with the “middle class”. Therefore, it will test some tools for measuring social stratification, demonstrating their inability to demonstrate the profound changes in social identities.