No. 5 (2010): Pléyade

Critical Approaches about the Conformation of the Citizenship and the Political Space in Immanuel Kant’s Work

Fernando Beresñak
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2010-07-18


  • citizenship,
  • criticism,
  • politics,
  • space,
  • temporality

How to Cite

Beresñak, Fernando. 2010. “Critical Approaches about the Conformation of the Citizenship and the Political Space in Immanuel Kant’s Work”. Pléyade, no. 5 (July):251-77.


In the article, object of this summary, the conformation of the citizenship and the political space in Immanuel Kant´s work will be. In this context, the goal will be to inquire the underlying tensions to his political thought throughout much of his work. To achieve this goal, some critical comments that the french philosophers Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault have formulated about this subject matter will be illustrated. In addition, it will be part of the reflection to frame and analyze some theoretical contrasts on the one hand between these two intellectuals and on the other between them and the german philosopher. Thus, one will be able to evaluate the contributions that these thinkers have offered to the reflection about the political contemporary theory.