No. 27 (2021): Acceleration and Modernity: Temporal Structures, Social Change, and Critique

Social Acceleration and the Climate Crisis: On the Production of Mental Distress and the Stimulation of the Resourceful Feeling of Anger

Pléyade 27

Published 2021-06-20


  • social acceleration,
  • mental distress,
  • climate crisis,
  • feelings of fear

How to Cite

Petersen, Anders. 2021. “Social Acceleration and the Climate Crisis: On the Production of Mental Distress and the Stimulation of the Resourceful Feeling of Anger”. Pléyade, no. 27 (June):82-105. .


In this article I address the interrelation between social acceleration and the climate crisis. I more specifically ask how changed social practices in light of social acceleration and the climate crisis are possible by focussing on two aspects: How the incessant social acceleration of contemporary society is both supporting the formation of the underlying problems connected with the climate crisis as well as hindering efficient collective and individual action on the climate crisis. And the unfolding climate crisis is contributing to the development of specific forms of mental malaises that are only worsened due to the acceleration of this crisis. I end by examining how the feeling of anger can be understood as a social motor for changing our social practices and thus serve as a vector of critique against the sources of social acceleration and ultimately of some of the vital components propelling climate change.