No. 22 (2018): Names of Feminism

Febriles alquimias del cuerpo. Una poética excrementicia

valeria flores
Independent researcher
Febriles alquimias del cuerpo - Pléyade 22

Published 2018-12-23


  • Body,
  • Residue,
  • Alchemy,
  • Language

How to Cite

flores, valeria. 2018. “Febriles Alquimias Del Cuerpo. Una poética Excrementicia”. Pléyade, no. 22 (December):45-60. .


The names of feminism are acts of xenoglossia that disseminate other speech and writing regimes susceptible to mismatch the regularly known, legible and legitimate formats. They are alchemical acts that invent modes of existence, strange languages, ways of doing (micro) politics, with the waste of the heteropatriarchal semiotic machine that governs words and lives and with the detritus of the institutionalization and normalization of feminism. Names like micro-creations of fictions that assemble new connections of intensities, disseminate unpublished meanings of the sex-political resistance from the south, with their unexpected marks, their harsh textures, their extravagant tones. In these errancias by the names, delving into the remnants of hypervisibility, the body becomes sensitive and political platform of feminist subversion and from five febrile alchemies of the body as techniques of corporal knowledge, political skills, affective constellations and erotic micropowers of feminist doing, an excremental feminism is composed.