No. 22 (2018): Names of Feminism

Sex, Gender, and Women: Tensions and Disruptions from the Feminist Philosophy

Panchiba Barrientos
Universidad de Chile
Sexo, género y mujeres Pleyade 22

Published 2018-12-23

How to Cite

Barrientos, Panchiba. 2018. “Sex, Gender, and Women: Tensions and Disruptions from the Feminist Philosophy”. Pléyade, no. 22 (December):107-28. .


This article aims to propose possible ways to approach some aspects in which the concepts of sex, gender, and women have been developed by contemporary feminist philosophies, following a broad genealogy marked off by post-structuralist and postmodern criticisms, as well as by feminisms linked to the cultural horizon of women of color and queer theory. The central proposition of this article stresses the categories of sex, gender and women, in order to ask about the possibilities offered by feminist philosophies for the construction political modalities that propel us to expand our commitments with the notions of recognition, subject, and difference.