No. 22 (2018): Names of Feminism

The Eclosion of Feminism’s Subject and the Critique of Capitalist Modernity

Márgara Millán
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
La eclosión del sujeto del feminismo Pleyade 22

Published 2018-12-23


  • Modernity,
  • Civilization Crisis,
  • Feminisms,
  • Social Change,
  • Subject of Feminism

How to Cite

Millán, Márgara. 2018. “The Eclosion of Feminism’s Subject and the Critique of Capitalist Modernity”. Pléyade, no. 22 (December):131-56. .


I understand feminism as an open and ongoing movement, both theoretical and practical, towards emancipation and from the position of the subject called “woman”; a movement that affects and concern society as a whole. I rather use “feminisms” to enhance its plurality and historicity, for they cannot be understood without the social context in which they emerge. This essay explores the emergence of the eclosion of the “subject of feminism” as part of such singular, historical women’s movement facing the contemporary crisis. The “critical intentionality” that emanates from the multi-positioned feminist movements is increasingly anti-systemic, challenging the civilizational crisis in which capitalist modernity situates us.