Analytical mediations in the work of Ernesto Laclau: A critical reinterpretation from political anthropology Nicolás Panotto 235-259
Transference and Articulation. The Politics of Rhetoric as Economy of Desire Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott 69-92
Íñigo Errejón y Chantal Mouffe, Construir pueblo. Hegemonía y radicalización de la democracia. Madrid: Icaria, 2015, 142 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9888-660-3 David Soto Carrasco 281-285
Which subject? Which change?: Laclau and the problem of the subject of transformative political action Juan Sandoval Moya 119-138
Radical democracy and antagonism. Interview with Chantal Mouffe Chantal Mouffe, Mauro Basaure 261-276
Spectrality, lack and ontology. The theory of hegemony in front of his reverse excluded Agustín Mendez 93-117
Populism as a dimension and logical aspect of politics: proposals, significance and limits of Laclau’s theory of populism Claudio Riveros 165-189
Ernesto Laclau. Los fundamentos retóricos de la sociedad. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2014. 169 pp. ISBN: 978-987-719-029-8 Fernando Carreño 277-280
The aporia of decision-making. An approach to the notion of justice in the thought of Jacques Derrida Sergio Martínez 123-141
The Construction of Political Subjectivity: The Case of Immigrant Workers in Slovenia Andreja Vezovnik 37-66
Political Science and the Field of Qualitative Interpretive Studies of Politics Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela, Juan Pablo Paredes 1-14
Interpretative Analysis and Political Science. An interview with Dvora Yanow Dvora Yanow, Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela 113-122
Piñericosas. Discursive construction of ethos and gender representations in Sebastián Piñera’s public speeches Francisco Villarreal 67-92
Politics and symbolism in the government of Ricardo Lagos. Interview with Ernesto Ottone Ernesto Ottone, Nicolás del Valle Orellana, Marco Ensignia Zapata 167-184