The materiality of history: correspondence between Norbert Elias and Walter Benjamin Walter Benjamin , Norbert Elias 49-57
“About those terrible storms that are known in the haciendas of Peru”. Popular nationalisms and postcolonial pacts during the War of the Pacific, 1880-1890 Juan Carlos Garrido 149-177
Hernán G. H. Taboada. Extrañas presencias en nuestra América. Ciudad de México: Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2017. 232 pp. ISBN 9786070295904 Afshin Irani 219-222
Revolution in the ideas: Jean Louis Vastey and the decolonization of civilization and progress Juan Francisco Martínez Peria 179-211
Post-Heroic Feminist Ethnographies. The Subaltern, subversive Language of Southern Ethnographers Karina Bidaseca 109-140
Felix Valdés García, coord. Antología del pensamiento crítico caribeño contemporáneo. West Indies, Antillas Francesas y Antillas Holandesas. Buenos Aires: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, 2017. 605 pp. ISBN 9789877222531 Roberto Almanza Hernández 183-188
The complex relationship between modernity and capitalism: a decolonial vision Ramón Grosfoguel 29-47
Notes on the Construction of an Intellective Instrument. “Internal Colonialism” in the Work of Pablo González Casanova José Gandarilla 141-162
Colonial Space and Sovereign Aesthesis: Decolonial Praxis from the Black's Lived Experience by Fanon Christian Soazo Ahumada 93-117
Criticism from Latin America: Philosophy, Politics and Modernity. Interview with Enrique Dussel Enrique Dussel, Nicolás del Valle Orellana 163-181
An invitation to intellectual history. Opening speech of the II Congress of Latin American Intellectual History Horacio Tarcus 9-25
(Re)discovering America in Buenos Aires: the cultural entrepreneurship of Waldo Frank, Samuel Glusberg and Victoria Ocampo Rosalie Sitman 113-136
Utopia and historical sense in Latin America: the case of Ariel and Philosophy of Liberation Gonzalo García 69-91
The marxism as praxis philosophy. Remarks for a political thought in the Chilean philosophy of the 60s in the 20th Century Patricia González San Martín 179-198
Augusto Salazar Bondy and Gastón Bachelard: Comments on a discursive framework Adriana María Arpini 27-40
Revolutionary thoughts in Latin America. Critical judgment to the intellectual production from 1959 onwards Giorgio Boccardo Bosoni 137-155
Ideas and intellectuals in Latin America: histories, registers and approaches of Latin American thought Pierina Ferretti, Alejandro Fielbaum, Vicente Montenegro 1-8
Utopia and community: two communitary life projects at the beginning of the 20th Century in Chile Juan Morel Rioseco 93-112
Heretical Marxism in Latin America. A possible dialogue between Agustín Cueva and René Zavaleta Blanca Soledad Fernández, Florencia Puente 199-236