
Pléyade. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (ISSN: 0718-655X | e-ISSN 0719-3696) is an international, peer-reviewed journal published since 2008. Pléyade encourages intellectual and academic discussion from the social sciences and humanities, promoting interdisciplinary approaches to political phenomena, and considering issues related to political science, sociology, philosophy and cultural studies. Pléyade addresses an international scientific audience and receives contributions in the form of articles, book reviews, interviews and interventions, written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. The journal is published in July (January-June semester) and January (July-December semester), in lectronic version.

Pléyade is sponsored by the International Institute for Philosophy and Social Studies.

Its director is Damián Gálvez

Current IssueNo 33 (2024): De la sociología de la cultura a la sociología cultural: derivas teóricas, metodologías experimentales e intervenciones críticas

Published December 2, 2024


Table of Contents

Nota editorial



Book reviews

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