Political Science and the Field of Qualitative Interpretive Studies of Politics Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela, Juan Pablo Paredes 1-14 PDF (Español (España))
The Construction of Political Subjectivity: The Case of Immigrant Workers in Slovenia Andreja Vezovnik 37-66 PDF (Español (España))
Piñericosas. Discursive construction of ethos and gender representations in Sebastián Piñera’s public speeches Francisco Villarreal 67-92 PDF (Español (España))
Of Populism and the Popular Front: reflections on Chilean democracy Nicolás Rojas Scherer 93-112 PDF (Español (España))
The aporia of decision-making. An approach to the notion of justice in the thought of Jacques Derrida Sergio Martínez 123-141 PDF (Español (España))
The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience and the Art of Living Dangerously Julian Reid 143-165 PDF (Español (España))
Interpretative Analysis and Political Science. An interview with Dvora Yanow Dvora Yanow, Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela 113-122 PDF (Español (España))
Politics and symbolism in the government of Ricardo Lagos. Interview with Ernesto Ottone Ernesto Ottone, Nicolás del Valle Orellana, Marco Ensignia Zapata 167-184 PDF (Español (España))