Biopolitics, ecology and instrumental reason: considerations on Max Horkheimer y Michel Foucault Nicolás del Valle Orellana 1-24 PDF (Español (España))
Carl Schmitt and the Anticrist’s policy Räepresentation, Political Form and Nihilism Rodrigo Karmy Bolton 25-52 PDF (Español (España))
The problem of the good individual act which derives from in the Machiavelli’s political ethics. Related to some sequences of Saving private Ryan Javier Franzé 53-90 PDF (Español (España))
The republican speech and the social treatment in Chile during the XVIII century Fanny Acevedo 91-103 PDF (Español (España))
The press in the constituent election in 1948 in Argentina: about the goals and the means Sabrina Ajmechet 105-133 PDF (Español (España))
Neopopularism and the rol of the means of comunication in the governments of Carlos Menem and Alberto Fujimori Carlos Rojas Huerta, Sebastián Mujica Otero, Álvaro Suckel Figueroa PDF (Español (España))
The political trip of Fidel Castro: convergences, alterations of two revolutionary processes Benjamín Elizalde 155-170 PDF (Español (España))
The United Nations security council and collective action: the question of state sovereignty Alexander Micić Täger 171-201 PDF (Español (España))
Lewis B. Namier and the “namierization” of the spanish politic in the European Union port César Antona Antón 203-228 PDF (Español (España))
International market of carbon credit towards development and south america integration: What is the contribution of the international organization of financing? Fabrício H. Chagas Bastos, Alexandre R. Rochman 229-244 PDF (Español (España))